arthur askey

podcast, special

The Attaboy Clarence Christmas Special 2015

Merry Christmas, and welcome to the second annual festive edition of Attaboy Clarence, featuring...

A completely natural conversation about a Letter To Santa!

A festive Disney Christmas gift!

Santa playing 20 Questions!

Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson undergoing a very special identity crisis!

A warm and fuzzy adaptation of a true Christmas classic!


Special appearances from Bing Crosby, Walt Disney, Judy Garland, Sookie the dog, Arthur Askey,The Three Little Pigs, Basil Rathbone, Donald Duck, Perry Como, The Brighton Strangler, Nigel Bruce, Dinah Shore, Frank Sinatra, YOU GUYS, and the return of Humphrey...


Episode 47: The Haunted Shores

This week, Adam returns to horror once more, reviews of three classic scary movies: The Ghost Train (1941), House Of Horrors (1946), and The Uninvited (1944).

There's annoyance aplenty in the form of Arthur Askey, lumbering murderers in the form of The Creeper, and chills on the coast with Ray Milland...

ALSO, hear an ad translated on the fly, LISTEN to the most niche medical product of all time, and TURN DOWN THE LIGHTS as the Screen Director's Playhouse provides the thrills...